bs-radar episode 2

manual watson google voxolab microsoft
00:00:06,250 --> 00:00:10,220 [4.756000] 00:00:06,250 --> 00:00:11,110 [4.756000] 00:00:06,250 --> 00:00:11,110 [4.756000] 00:00:00,240 --> 00:00:11,006 [10.766000] 00:00:06,300 --> 00:00:09,400 [4.706000]
Welcome to the second episode of the Bullshit Radar. welcome to the second episode of the bullshit rada in this video welcome to the second episode of the bullshit radar in this video — Thank — And to the second episode of the bolshy trader in dispute Welcome to the second episode of the b******* Raider.
00:00:10,220 --> 00:00:13,100 [4.657000] 00:00:11,300 --> 00:00:15,850 [3.577000] 00:00:11,300 --> 00:00:16,250 [3.577000] 00:00:11,006 --> 00:00:16,032 [3.871000] 00:00:10,170 --> 00:00:14,877 [4.707000]
In this video, two important questions. two important questions do video games lead to house Eimer and two important questions do video games lead to house Diner and Metal you two important questions video games lead to house and metal gear In this video 2 important questions do video games lead to House.
00:00:13,100 --> 00:00:18,260 [5.160000] 00:00:15,880 --> 00:00:23,120 [2.380000] 00:00:16,250 --> 00:00:23,460 [2.010000] 00:00:16,032 --> 00:00:23,585 [2.228000] 00:00:14,877 --> 00:00:19,410 [3.383000]
Do video games lead to Alzheimer? And, Metal Gear Solid or Avengers? metal gear solid or Avengers who's the big winner so apparently clean Gear Solid or Avengers who's the big winner so apparently playing Call solid or adventurers who's the big winner apparently plane call of I'm are and Metal Gear Solid or Avengers, who's the big winner.
00:00:18,260 --> 00:00:22,700 [4.440000] 00:00:21,110 --> 00:00:25,589 [1.590000]
Who's the big winner? So, apparently, So apparently playing Call of Duty increases the risk of
00:00:22,700 --> 00:00:26,400 [3.700000] 00:00:23,120 --> 00:00:27,830 [3.280000] 00:00:23,460 --> 00:00:27,830 [2.940000] 00:00:23,585 --> 00:00:29,057 [2.815000] 00:00:25,589 --> 00:00:29,400 [0.811000]
playing Call of Duty increases the risk of developing coal of duty increases the risk of developing how dreamers disease of Duty increases the risk of developing housing mirrors disease duty increases the risk of developing how they've nursed disease scary developing Alzheimer's disease, scary right.
00:00:26,400 --> 00:00:30,110 [3.710000] 00:00:28,220 --> 00:00:32,960 [1.890000] 00:00:28,220 --> 00:00:32,960 [1.890000] 00:00:29,057 --> 00:00:34,161 [1.053000]
Alzheimer's disease. Scary, right? scary right according to this article when trying to come out scary right according to this article when trying to come out right according to this article when trying to come out of the virtual
00:00:30,110 --> 00:00:33,190 [3.080000] 00:00:33,000 --> 00:00:37,480 [0.190000] 00:00:33,000 --> 00:00:37,480 [0.190000] 00:00:30,160 --> 00:00:34,664 [3.030000]
According to this article, when trying to come out of a of the virtual maze gamers navigate to screen using a key area of of a virtual maced Gamers navigate to screen using a key area of According to this article when trying to come out of virtual maze.
00:00:33,190 --> 00:00:36,590 [3.400000] 00:00:34,161 --> 00:00:38,423 [2.429000] 00:00:34,664 --> 00:00:39,659 [1.926000]
virtual maze, gamers navigate the screen using a maze gamers navigate the screen using a key area of the brain called Gamers navigate the screen using a key area of the brain called the code 8.
00:00:36,920 --> 00:00:40,450 [3.530000] 00:00:37,480 --> 00:00:41,630 [2.970000] 00:00:37,480 --> 00:00:42,620 [2.970000] 00:00:38,423 --> 00:00:43,083 [2.027000] 00:00:39,659 --> 00:00:44,490 [0.791000]
key area of the brain called the caudate nucleus the brain called the could date new clues where is non gamers the brain called the caudate nucleus where is non-gamers rely on the brain the could eight new clues where his non gamers rely on to bring special Nuclear is whereas non gamers rely on the brain special memory system.
00:00:40,450 --> 00:00:43,620 [3.170000] 00:00:41,780 --> 00:00:48,040 [1.840000] 00:00:42,620 --> 00:00:49,450 [1.000000] 00:00:43,083 --> 00:00:49,355 [0.537000]
whereas non gamers rely on the brain's special memory rely on to bring special memory system hippocampus still quoting special memory system hippocampus to quoting the article that's memories system the hippocampus still quoting the article i this
00:00:44,190 --> 00:00:47,340 [3.150000] 00:00:44,520 --> 00:00:45,760 [2.820000]
system: the hippocampus. The Hippocampus.
00:00:47,340 --> 00:00:50,750 [3.410000] 00:00:48,040 --> 00:00:52,000 [2.710000] 00:00:49,450 --> 00:00:53,990 [1.300000] 00:00:49,355 --> 00:00:53,978 [1.395000] 00:00:47,350 --> 00:00:50,969 [3.400000]
Still quoting the article, past research has shown that the article past research has shown that people who relied on research has shown that people who relied on Kodi nucleus dependent research has shown that people who died and her date mutiny use dependent Still, quoting the optical pass research has shown that
00:00:51,260 --> 00:00:53,450 [1.480000] 00:00:52,000 --> 00:00:56,440 [0.740000] 00:00:50,969 --> 00:00:52,740 [1.771000]
people who rely on caudate nucleus could date mutually use dependence strategies have lower gray matter people who relied on code 8.
00:00:53,450 --> 00:00:56,630 [3.910000] 00:00:56,630 --> 00:01:01,830 [0.730000] 00:00:53,990 --> 00:00:58,700 [3.370000] 00:00:53,978 --> 00:00:58,583 [3.382000] 00:00:52,740 --> 00:00:57,360 [4.620000]
dependent strategies have lower gray matter and functional brain activity in the he put men's people who play strategies have lower gray matter and functional brain activity in strategies have a lower grey matter and functional brain activity in Nuclear is dependant strategies have lower grey matter and functional
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and functional brain activity in the hippocampus. the hippocampus this means people who play a lot of action video the hippocampus dismiss people who play a lot of action video games brain activity in the Hippocampus.
00:01:00,880 --> 00:01:02,730 [3.269000] 00:01:01,830 --> 00:01:06,050 [2.319000] 00:01:03,060 --> 00:01:07,850 [1.089000] 00:01:03,610 --> 00:01:07,850 [0.539000] 00:01:00,190 --> 00:01:04,149 [3.959000]
This means people who play a lot of action a lot of action video games could have reduced hippocampal integrity games could have reduced hippocampal Integrity which is associated with could have reduced people camp or integrity which is associated with This means people who play a lot of action video games could have
00:01:02,730 --> 00:01:05,320 [2.590000] 00:01:04,149 --> 00:01:08,408 [1.171000]
video games could have reduced hippocampal reduced hippocampal integrity, which is asociated with increased
00:01:06,050 --> 00:01:07,890 [1.840000] 00:01:06,440 --> 00:01:11,570 [1.450000]
integrity, which is associated with which is associated with increased risk for Alzheimer's disease so
00:01:07,890 --> 00:01:11,070 [3.180000] 00:01:07,890 --> 00:01:13,060 [3.180000] 00:01:07,910 --> 00:01:13,080 [3.160000] 00:01:08,408 --> 00:01:10,350 [2.662000]
increased risk for Alzheimer's disease. increased risk for Alzheimer's disease so playing action video increased risk for alzheimer's disease so playing action video risk for Alzheimer's disease.
00:01:11,570 --> 00:01:13,740 [3.970000] 00:01:11,880 --> 00:01:15,900 [3.660000] 00:01:13,060 --> 00:01:17,530 [2.480000] 00:01:13,100 --> 00:01:17,550 [2.440000] 00:01:11,110 --> 00:01:15,540 [4.430000]
So. Playing action video game playing action video game leads to increased risk of suffering game leads to increased risk of suffering from Alzheimer's disease game leads to increased risk of suffering from alzheimer's disease So playing action video game leads to increased 3 of suffering
00:01:13,740 --> 00:01:16,860 [3.120000] 00:01:15,900 --> 00:01:22,480 [0.960000] 00:01:15,540 --> 00:01:17,500 [1.320000]
leads to increased risk of suffering from Alzheimer's from Alzheimer's disease but does it really well a truce is that from Alzheimer's disease.
00:01:17,530 --> 00:01:20,780 [3.250000] 00:01:18,190 --> 00:01:24,830 [2.590000] 00:01:18,160 --> 00:01:24,795 [2.620000] 00:01:18,130 --> 00:01:19,250 [2.650000]
disease. But does it really? but does it really well the truth is that we don't know what happened but does it really the truth is that we don't know what happened But does it really?
00:01:21,250 --> 00:01:22,720 [2.320000] 00:01:22,720 --> 00:01:28,610 [0.850000] 00:01:20,820 --> 00:01:23,570 [2.750000]
Well, the truth is that we don't know what happened there well study eight concluded that Well, the truth is that we don't know.
00:01:22,720 --> 00:01:25,980 [3.260000] 00:01:24,830 --> 00:01:30,960 [1.150000] 00:01:24,795 --> 00:01:30,950 [1.185000] 00:01:24,200 --> 00:01:28,569 [1.780000]
we don't know. What happened there? there well this 38 concluded that players use navigation strategies there the study concluded that players use navigation strategies What happened there well the study a concluded that players use
00:01:26,370 --> 00:01:28,610 [2.240000]
Well, The study A concluded that
00:01:29,240 --> 00:01:32,360 [3.532000] 00:01:28,610 --> 00:01:32,360 [4.162000] 00:01:30,960 --> 00:01:34,310 [1.812000] 00:01:30,950 --> 00:01:35,597 [1.822000] 00:01:28,569 --> 00:01:32,772 [4.203000]
players use navigation strategies that rely on the caudate players use navigation strategies that could light on the coup date that could light on the Kodak nuclear so much more than none that light on the code eight nucleus much more than non video game players navigation strategies that red light on the code 8 nuclear is
00:01:33,050 --> 00:01:36,530 [4.060000] 00:01:32,360 --> 00:01:37,110 [4.750000] 00:01:34,310 --> 00:01:39,720 [2.800000] 00:01:35,597 --> 00:01:41,730 [1.513000] 00:01:32,772 --> 00:01:35,410 [4.338000]
nucleus much more than non video game players. nucleus much more than non video game players the previous video game players a pretty steady let's go it's tiny bee show a previous study let's call it study showed that people who rely on could much more than non video game players.
00:01:36,530 --> 00:01:39,350 [2.820000] 00:01:37,110 --> 00:01:41,510 [2.240000] 00:01:36,580 --> 00:01:40,457 [2.770000]
A previous study, let's call it Study B, study that's cool that study being showed that people who rely on The previous tiny let's call it study be showed that people
00:01:39,350 --> 00:01:42,420 [3.070000] 00:01:41,510 --> 00:01:46,180 [0.910000] 00:01:39,720 --> 00:01:44,650 [2.700000] 00:01:41,730 --> 00:01:46,378 [0.690000] 00:01:40,457 --> 00:01:42,040 [1.963000]
showed that people who relied on caudate nucleus could nucleus dependent strategies Laura gray matter and functional that people who rely on Kodi nucleus dependent strategies had lower it nucleus dependent strategies had lower grey matter and functional rely on coding nucleus.
00:01:42,420 --> 00:01:46,180 [3.972000] 00:01:46,180 --> 00:01:51,430 [0.212000] 00:01:44,650 --> 00:01:49,550 [1.742000] 00:01:42,040 --> 00:01:46,392 [4.352000]
dependent strategies had lower gray matter and functional brain activity in the hippocampus and assert study concluded that gray matter and functional brain activity in the hippocampus an Dependent strategies had lower grey matter and functional brain
00:01:46,560 --> 00:01:50,550 [4.849000] 00:01:49,550 --> 00:01:53,850 [1.859000] 00:01:46,378 --> 00:01:51,409 [5.031000] 00:01:46,392 --> 00:01:48,370 [5.017000]
brain activity in the hippocampus. And a third study absurd study concluded that reduce volume in the hippocampus is brain activity in the hippocampus and a search study concluded that activity in the Hippocampus.
00:01:50,550 --> 00:01:54,700 [1.866000] 00:01:51,460 --> 00:01:55,800 [0.956000] 00:01:51,409 --> 00:01:55,943 [1.007000] 00:01:49,370 --> 00:01:52,416 [3.046000]
concluded that reduced volume in the hippocampus is associated reduced volume in the hippocampus is associated with neurological reduced volume in the hippocampus is associated with neurological And assert study concluded that reduced folder.
00:01:54,700 --> 00:01:58,720 [1.653000] 00:01:55,800 --> 00:02:00,540 [0.553000] 00:01:53,920 --> 00:01:58,410 [2.433000] 00:01:55,943 --> 00:02:00,985 [0.410000] 00:01:52,416 --> 00:01:56,353 [3.937000]
with neurological disorder. So the journalist assumes that the disorder so the journalists assume that the results of all the studies associated with neurological disorder so the journalist assume disorder so the journalists assume that the results of all these studies Mindy hippocampus is associated with neurological disorder.
00:01:58,720 --> 00:02:02,110 [1.050000] 00:01:58,450 --> 00:02:03,420 [1.320000] 00:01:56,353 --> 00:01:59,770 [3.417000]
results of all the studies could be linked. that the results of all the studies could be like he made quite a classic So the journalist assumed that the results of all these
00:02:00,590 --> 00:02:05,040 [0.740000] 00:02:00,985 --> 00:02:05,147 [0.345000] 00:01:59,770 --> 00:02:01,330 [1.560000]
could be linked he made quite a classic mistake by taking such could be linked he make quite a classic mistake by taking such studies could be linked.
00:02:02,110 --> 00:02:06,880 [3.870000] 00:02:05,040 --> 00:02:10,330 [0.940000] 00:02:03,420 --> 00:02:08,930 [2.560000] 00:02:05,147 --> 00:02:10,414 [0.833000] 00:02:02,100 --> 00:02:05,980 [3.880000]
He made quite a classic mistake by taking such a shortcut. a short the real conclusion as acknowledged by scientists is Mistake by taking such a short cut the real conclusion Isaac knowledge a shortcut the real conclusion as acknowledge bank scientists is that He made quite a classic mistake by taking such a short cuts.
00:02:06,880 --> 00:02:10,150 [3.270000] 00:02:08,930 --> 00:02:20,710 [1.220000] 00:02:06,910 --> 00:02:10,663 [3.240000]
The real conclusion, as acknowledged by scientists, by The Talented is that we need to do further research the journal The real conclusion as acknowledged by with scientists is that we
00:02:10,150 --> 00:02:19,940 [9.790000] 00:02:10,330 --> 00:02:22,190 [9.610000] 00:02:10,414 --> 00:02:22,195 [9.526000] 00:02:10,663 --> 00:02:12,300 [9.277000]
is that we need to do further research. that we need to do further research the journalist rely on real numbers we need to do further research the journalists rely on real numbers need to do further research.
00:02:19,940 --> 00:02:23,790 [3.850000] 00:02:22,320 --> 00:02:26,470 [1.470000] 00:02:20,710 --> 00:02:24,280 [3.080000] 00:02:22,195 --> 00:02:26,905 [1.595000] 00:02:19,980 --> 00:02:24,056 [3.810000]
The journalist relied on real numbers, but failed to provide an but failed to provide an accurate picture of the situation there East rely on real numbers but failed to provide and decorate but failed to provide and that great picture of the situation there are The journalists rely on real numbers, but fail to provide a necker
00:02:23,790 --> 00:02:27,880 [4.090000] 00:02:26,470 --> 00:02:29,980 [1.410000] 00:02:24,280 --> 00:02:28,190 [3.600000] 00:02:26,905 --> 00:02:31,047 [0.975000] 00:02:24,056 --> 00:02:25,760 [3.824000]
accurate picture of the situation. There is almost no doubt on why are almost no doubt on what he would do that it's no secret picture of the situation they're almost no doubt on why he would almost no doubt on what he would do that it's no secret that a dramatic a picture of the situation.
00:02:27,880 --> 00:02:30,880 [1.354000] 00:02:28,190 --> 00:02:32,380 [1.044000] 00:02:26,370 --> 00:02:29,234 [2.864000]
he would do that. It's no secret that a dramatic do that it's no secret that do dramatic headline will definitely There are almost no doubt online, he would do that.
00:02:31,400 --> 00:02:33,960 [1.517000] 00:02:30,050 --> 00:02:34,130 [2.867000] 00:02:32,380 --> 00:02:35,840 [0.537000] 00:02:31,047 --> 00:02:35,350 [1.870000] 00:02:29,234 --> 00:02:32,917 [3.683000]
headline will definitely drive more traffic. that a dramatic headline will definitely drive more traffic and drive more traffic and there was nothing wrong with the fact of headline will definitely drive more traffic and there is nothing wrong It's no secret that the dramatic headline will definitely drive
00:02:33,960 --> 00:02:35,990 [2.981000] 00:02:34,130 --> 00:02:37,390 [2.811000] 00:02:35,990 --> 00:02:41,010 [0.951000] 00:02:35,350 --> 00:02:38,718 [1.591000] 00:02:32,917 --> 00:02:36,941 [4.024000]
And there is nothing wrong with the fact of there is nothing wrong with the fact of popularizing complex popularizing complex scientific study for mainstream audience few with the fact of vocal arising complex scientific study for more traffic and there is nothing wrong with the factors popularizing
00:02:35,990 --> 00:02:38,680 [2.690000] 00:02:37,390 --> 00:02:42,200 [1.290000] 00:02:36,941 --> 00:02:40,010 [1.739000]
popularizing complex scientific study scientific study for a mainstream audience few people would actually complex scientific study for a mainstream audience.
00:02:38,680 --> 00:02:42,610 [3.930000] 00:02:42,200 --> 00:02:48,660 [0.410000] 00:02:41,010 --> 00:02:47,040 [1.600000] 00:02:38,718 --> 00:02:43,560 [3.892000] 00:02:40,750 --> 00:02:43,580 [1.860000]
for a mainstream audience. Few people would actually check check this article but popularizing is not the same as transforming people would actually check this article but popularizing is not a mainstream audience few people would actually check this article Few people would actually check this article.
00:02:42,610 --> 00:02:46,610 [4.000000] 00:02:45,070 --> 00:02:49,187 [1.540000] 00:02:45,110 --> 00:02:49,960 [1.500000]
this article. But popularizing but popularizing is not the same as transforming the results of But popularizing is not the same as transforming the results of the study.
00:02:46,610 --> 00:02:51,350 [4.740000] 00:02:48,690 --> 00:02:54,860 [2.660000] 00:02:47,040 --> 00:02:52,720 [4.310000] 00:02:49,187 --> 00:02:55,388 [2.163000]
is not the same as transforming the results of the study. the results of the study let's take one final example this time the same as transforming the results of the study let's take one final the study let's take one final example this time article that
00:02:51,350 --> 00:02:55,740 [4.390000] 00:02:54,890 --> 00:03:00,320 [0.850000] 00:02:52,720 --> 00:02:59,850 [3.020000] 00:02:55,388 --> 00:03:01,397 [0.352000] 00:02:51,400 --> 00:02:53,430 [4.340000]
Let's take one final example. This time, the article that Dick article that surprised this was just one the article is based example this time the article that surprises what this one the article surprised this one this one the article is based on what appears Let's take one final example.
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surprised us was this one. The article is based on what This time, the article that surprised this was this one.
00:03:00,640 --> 00:03:04,080 [3.070000] 00:03:00,320 --> 00:03:04,990 [3.390000] 00:02:59,880 --> 00:03:04,390 [3.830000] 00:03:01,397 --> 00:03:06,200 [2.313000] 00:02:59,110 --> 00:03:03,710 [4.600000]
appears to be factual numbers. Let's see. on what appears to be factual numbers let's see metal gear solid is based on what appears to be factual numbers let's see Metal to be factual numbers let 's see here so it five defendant pain made The article is based on what appears to be factual numbers.
00:03:04,080 --> 00:03:08,150 [1.883000] 00:03:04,990 --> 00:03:08,700 [0.973000] 00:03:04,390 --> 00:03:10,260 [1.573000] 00:03:03,710 --> 00:03:05,963 [2.253000]
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain made one hundred seventy nine five the phantom pain made one hundred seventy nine million Gear Solid V the phantom pain made 179 million globally on its opening Let's see Metal Gear Solid 5.
00:03:08,150 --> 00:03:11,430 [2.600000] 00:03:08,700 --> 00:03:13,990 [2.050000] 00:03:10,260 --> 00:03:15,700 [0.490000] 00:03:06,200 --> 00:03:11,916 [4.550000] 00:03:05,963 --> 00:03:10,750 [4.787000]
million globally on its opening day. globally on its opening day compare that to blockbuster adventures day compared that to the Blockbuster Avengers Age of Ultron which made one hundred seventy nine million globally on its opening day compare The Phantom Pain made 179000000 globally on its opening day.
00:03:11,430 --> 00:03:15,190 [4.004000] 00:03:14,020 --> 00:03:17,600 [1.414000] 00:03:11,916 --> 00:03:16,207 [3.518000] 00:03:11,390 --> 00:03:15,434 [4.044000]
Compare that to the blockbuster Avengers: Age of Ultron, age of Ultron which made eighty four million globally on its that to the blockbuster avengers age will trim which made eighty Compare that to the blockbuster adventures Age of Ultron,
00:03:15,190 --> 00:03:18,710 [3.520000] 00:03:17,600 --> 00:03:23,580 [1.110000] 00:03:15,980 --> 00:03:20,760 [2.730000] 00:03:16,207 --> 00:03:21,164 [2.503000] 00:03:15,434 --> 00:03:18,818 [3.276000]
which made eighty four million globally on its opening day. opening day yes the phantom pain made almost twice as much so 84 million globally on its opening day yes the phantom pain made four million globally on its opening day yes the phantom pain mate always which made 84000000 globally on its opening day.
00:03:19,210 --> 00:03:21,200 [2.910000] 00:03:20,800 --> 00:03:26,780 [1.320000] 00:03:21,164 --> 00:03:26,731 [0.956000] 00:03:18,818 --> 00:03:22,120 [3.302000]
Yes. The Phantom Pain made almost almost twice as much so Avengers Age of Ultron made 84 million try to as much measures edge of ultrasounds made eighty four million Yes, the scent of pain made almost twice as much.
00:03:21,200 --> 00:03:25,420 [4.220000] 00:03:23,660 --> 00:03:27,370 [1.760000] 00:03:23,170 --> 00:03:27,179 [2.250000]
twice as much. So, Avengers: Age of Ultron adventures age of Coltrane's made eighty four million globally on So Avengers Age of Ultron is made 84000000 globally
00:03:25,860 --> 00:03:28,600 [2.740000] 00:03:27,370 --> 00:03:32,010 [1.230000] 00:03:26,780 --> 00:03:31,270 [1.820000] 00:03:26,731 --> 00:03:31,130 [1.869000] 00:03:27,179 --> 00:03:29,137 [1.421000]
made eighty four million globally on its opening day? its opening day guess what it's wrong let's look at the details globally on its opening day guess what it's wrong let's look at globally on its opening day guess what it's wrong let's look at on its opening day guess.
00:03:28,600 --> 00:03:30,700 [2.100000] 00:03:29,137 --> 00:03:30,349 [1.563000]
Guess what? It's wrong. Wat it's wrong.
00:03:30,700 --> 00:03:34,220 [1.700000] 00:03:31,270 --> 00:03:37,170 [1.130000] 00:03:31,130 --> 00:03:37,374 [1.270000] 00:03:30,349 --> 00:03:32,400 [2.051000]
Let's look at the details. Obviously, the details obviously the source used here is Box Office Mojo the details obviously the source he used here is box office mojo Let's look at the details.
00:03:34,220 --> 00:03:37,700 [4.050000] 00:03:33,380 --> 00:03:38,270 [4.890000] 00:03:37,700 --> 00:03:42,160 [0.570000] 00:03:37,374 --> 00:03:42,558 [0.896000] 00:03:33,430 --> 00:03:37,946 [4.840000]
the source used here is Box Office Mojo. obviously the source used here is box office mode you the reference the reference for everything box office that when you use data I've reference for everything box office but when you use data as evidence Obviously, the source used here is box office mojo the reference
00:03:37,700 --> 00:03:40,540 [2.840000] 00:03:38,270 --> 00:03:42,840 [2.270000] 00:03:37,946 --> 00:03:39,870 [2.594000]
The reference for everything box office. for everything box office but when you use data as evidence for everything box office.
00:03:40,840 --> 00:03:43,610 [3.734000] 00:03:42,950 --> 00:03:46,690 [1.624000] 00:03:42,160 --> 00:03:45,950 [2.414000] 00:03:42,558 --> 00:03:47,897 [2.016000] 00:03:40,570 --> 00:03:44,574 [4.004000]
But, when you use data as evidence, you better know the you better know the source there's something fishy about the argument evidence you better know the source there was something fishy about you better know the source there is something fishy about the argument But when you use data as evidence you better know the source there is
00:03:44,190 --> 00:03:46,050 [1.860000] 00:03:45,950 --> 00:03:51,110 [0.100000] 00:03:44,574 --> 00:03:46,790 [1.476000]
source. There's something fishy about the argument. the argument first Avengers Age of Ultron did not have a unique something fishy about the argument.
00:03:46,690 --> 00:03:48,430 [1.740000] 00:03:47,900 --> 00:03:51,660 [0.530000] 00:03:47,897 --> 00:03:52,250 [0.533000] 00:03:47,910 --> 00:03:52,452 [0.520000]
First, first Avengers age of Ultron did not have a unique world wide first adventures age of neutron did not have a unique worldwide release First Avengers Age of neutron did not have a unique worldwide
00:03:48,430 --> 00:03:52,820 [4.390000] 00:03:51,660 --> 00:03:55,180 [1.160000] 00:03:51,110 --> 00:03:57,940 [1.710000] 00:03:52,452 --> 00:03:56,370 [0.368000]
Avengers: Age of Ultron did not have a unique world wide release. release the eighty four million was domestic U. worldwide release 84 million was domestic us figures only but release the 84000000 was domestic USS figures only.
00:03:53,040 --> 00:03:57,800 [4.760000] 00:03:55,180 --> 00:03:55,370 [2.620000] 00:03:53,150 --> 00:03:58,564 [4.650000]
The eighty four million was domestic U. S. figures only. S. eighty four million was domestic us figures only but the most
00:03:57,800 --> 00:04:02,660 [2.140000] 00:03:55,370 --> 00:03:59,940 [4.570000] 00:03:57,940 --> 00:04:03,460 [2.000000] 00:03:58,564 --> 00:04:04,046 [1.376000] 00:03:57,840 --> 00:04:01,600 [2.100000]
But the most embarrassing thing is the analysis in itself. figures only but the most embarrassing thing is D. the most embarrassing thing is the analysis himself the relevance embarrassing thing the nrc seems health the relevance of they won The most embarrassing thing is the analysis, Intel's.
00:04:02,660 --> 00:04:05,840 [2.680000] 00:03:59,940 --> 00:04:05,340 [5.400000] 00:04:03,490 --> 00:04:06,900 [1.850000] 00:04:04,046 --> 00:04:08,092 [1.294000] 00:04:02,690 --> 00:04:06,979 [2.650000]
The relevance of day one revenues to estimate the overall analysis himself the relevance of day one revenues to estimate of they won ribbon used to estimate the overall profitability of revenues to estimate the overall profitability of the project is not The relevance of day one revenues to estimate the overall profitability
00:04:05,840 --> 00:04:08,800 [3.130000] 00:04:05,340 --> 00:04:08,970 [3.630000] 00:04:06,900 --> 00:04:10,660 [2.070000] 00:04:08,092 --> 00:04:12,106 [0.878000] 00:04:06,979 --> 00:04:10,002 [1.991000]
profitability of the project is not the same the overall profitability of the project is not the same in the project is not the same in the movie business then in the video the same in the movie business then into video game business what are of the product is not the same in the movie business.
00:04:08,800 --> 00:04:11,910 [3.110000] 00:04:08,970 --> 00:04:12,880 [2.940000] 00:04:10,660 --> 00:04:14,670 [1.250000] 00:04:10,002 --> 00:04:11,900 [1.908000]
in the movie business than in the video game business. the movie business then in the video game business what are the potential game business what are the potential sources of revenues for a game Then in the video game business?
00:04:11,910 --> 00:04:15,520 [2.521000] 00:04:12,880 --> 00:04:17,190 [1.551000] 00:04:12,106 --> 00:04:16,093 [2.325000] 00:04:11,900 --> 00:04:14,431 [2.531000]
What are the potential sources of revenues for a game like Metal Gear sources of revenues for a game like metal gear solid five sales the potential sources of revenues for a game like metal gear solid What are the potential sources of revenues
00:04:15,520 --> 00:04:18,960 [0.880000] 00:04:14,670 --> 00:04:19,390 [1.730000] 00:04:16,093 --> 00:04:20,468 [0.307000] 00:04:14,431 --> 00:04:16,400 [1.969000]
Solid V? Sales of the prologue, Ground Zero, like Metal Gear Solid 5 sales of the prologue Ground Zero sales of five sales of the pro ground zero sales of the game and micro for a game like Metal Gear Solid 5?
00:04:18,960 --> 00:04:21,720 [2.375000] 00:04:17,190 --> 00:04:21,410 [4.145000] 00:04:19,390 --> 00:04:23,400 [1.945000] 00:04:20,468 --> 00:04:24,780 [0.867000] 00:04:16,880 --> 00:04:21,335 [4.455000]
sales of the game and microtransactions. of the prologue ground zero cell of the game and microtones actions the game and microtransactions the majority of the game sales transactions the majority of the game sales will happen in a pretty short Sales of the prologue ground zero cell of the game and micro transactions.
00:04:21,720 --> 00:04:24,770 [1.124000] 00:04:21,720 --> 00:04:24,770 [1.124000] 00:04:21,335 --> 00:04:22,844 [1.509000]
The majority of the game sales will happen in a pretty short the majority of the game sales will happen in a pretty short The majority of the game.
00:04:25,210 --> 00:04:27,170 [0.221000] 00:04:24,770 --> 00:04:29,950 [0.661000] 00:04:23,440 --> 00:04:24,770 [1.991000] 00:04:24,800 --> 00:04:30,136 [0.631000] 00:04:22,844 --> 00:04:25,431 [2.587000]
period. But what about a movie like period but what about a movie like Avengers age of cultural the eighty will happen in a pretty short. period but what about a movie like avengers each of cultural eighty Sales will happen in a pretty short period,
00:04:27,820 --> 00:04:31,090 [1.060000] 00:04:25,520 --> 00:04:30,140 [3.360000] 00:04:25,431 --> 00:04:28,880 [3.449000]
Avengers: Age of Ultron? The eighty four million figure But what about the movie Black Avengers Age of Ultron the 84 but what about the movie like adventures age of cultural.
00:04:31,090 --> 00:04:34,560 [3.096000] 00:04:29,950 --> 00:04:33,750 [4.236000] 00:04:30,140 --> 00:04:33,750 [4.046000] 00:04:30,136 --> 00:04:34,102 [4.050000] 00:04:29,460 --> 00:04:34,186 [4.726000]
was just for one country - granted the biggest one - four million figure was just for one country granted to biggest million figure was just for one country granted the biggest four million figure was just for one country granted to be biggest The age of 4000000 figure was just for one country granted the biggest
00:04:34,560 --> 00:04:37,370 [4.200000] 00:04:33,750 --> 00:04:38,760 [5.010000] 00:04:33,750 --> 00:04:37,710 [5.010000] 00:04:34,102 --> 00:04:39,495 [4.658000] 00:04:34,186 --> 00:04:36,630 [4.574000]
and for one part of the business model. while and for one part of the business model among the revenue sources one and for one part of the business model among one and for one part of the business model amanda revenue sources that 12 and 41 part of the business model.
00:04:37,370 --> 00:04:39,990 [2.620000] 00:04:38,760 --> 00:04:44,580 [1.230000] 00:04:37,710 --> 00:04:41,800 [2.280000] 00:04:39,495 --> 00:04:45,669 [0.495000] 00:04:37,430 --> 00:04:41,833 [2.560000]
Among the revenue sources that were forgotten, that were forgotten figure DVD and Blu rays Vere de TV rights toys the revenue sources that were forgotten figure DVD and Blu-ray were forgotten figure dvd blu ray veered tv rights toys license tears Among the revenue sources that were forgotten figure DVD.
00:04:40,490 --> 00:04:43,160 [2.670000] 00:04:42,720 --> 00:04:47,290 [0.440000] 00:04:41,833 --> 00:04:46,865 [1.327000]
feature DVD, Blu Ray, VOD VOD TV right toys license deals and Comics So speaking of Blu Rays via dei TV rights toys license deals and comics so speaking
00:04:43,160 --> 00:04:47,770 [4.610000] 00:04:44,680 --> 00:04:49,170 [3.090000] 00:04:47,290 --> 00:04:51,320 [0.480000] 00:04:45,669 --> 00:04:50,136 [2.101000] 00:04:46,865 --> 00:04:49,650 [0.905000]
TV rights, toys, license deals, and comics, so speaking of day one license deals and comics so speaking up they want sales is not relevant they were on sale is not feel like I'm here this time neither and comics so speaking up they won sales is not valid and here this of day one sales is not relevant here.
00:04:48,180 --> 00:04:50,140 [1.960000] 00:04:49,170 --> 00:04:53,890 [0.970000]
sales is not relevant here. here this time neither do numbers Nordic conclusion is correct
00:04:50,140 --> 00:04:52,450 [4.640000] 00:04:54,420 --> 00:04:59,080 [0.360000] 00:04:51,320 --> 00:04:55,770 [3.460000] 00:04:50,136 --> 00:04:54,780 [4.644000] 00:04:50,190 --> 00:04:54,347 [4.590000]
This time, neither the numbers, nor the the article is just another chapter in the traditional narrative video the numbers in order conclusion is correct the article is just time neither do numbers nordic conclusion is correct the article This time, neither did numbers nor the conclusion is correct,
00:04:53,110 --> 00:04:56,060 [2.950000] 00:04:55,770 --> 00:04:59,870 [0.290000] 00:04:54,780 --> 00:04:59,042 [1.280000] 00:04:54,347 --> 00:04:59,223 [1.713000]
conclusion is correct. The article is just another another chapter in the traditional narrative video gaming makes is just another chapter in the traditional narrative video the articled is just another chapter in the traditional narrative video
00:04:56,650 --> 00:04:58,720 [2.070000]
chapter in the traditional narrative
00:04:58,720 --> 00:05:01,740 [3.020000] 00:04:59,080 --> 00:05:03,100 [2.660000] 00:04:59,870 --> 00:05:04,410 [1.870000] 00:04:59,042 --> 00:05:04,178 [2.698000] 00:04:59,223 --> 00:05:03,220 [2.517000]
"Video gaming makes more money than Hollywood". gaming makes more money than Hollywood as in any situation more money than Hollywood as an n situation contact is key gaming makes more money than hollywood as in any situation context is key gaming makes more money than Hollywood as in any situation.
00:05:01,740 --> 00:05:04,810 [3.070000] 00:05:03,410 --> 00:05:08,810 [1.400000] 00:05:04,178 --> 00:05:09,123 [0.632000] 00:05:03,390 --> 00:05:06,871 [1.420000]
As in any situation, context is key to context is key fully grasp information and put numbers in perspective so to fully grasp information and put numbers in perspective so again Context is key to fully grasp information and put
00:05:04,810 --> 00:05:08,580 [3.770000] 00:05:04,810 --> 00:05:08,080 [3.770000] 00:05:06,871 --> 00:05:10,521 [1.709000]
fully grasp information and put numbers in perspective. to fully grasp the information and put numbers in perspective numbers in perspective, so again remember keeping
00:05:08,580 --> 00:05:10,580 [2.000000] 00:05:08,810 --> 00:05:13,860 [1.770000] 00:05:08,580 --> 00:05:12,520 [2.000000] 00:05:09,123 --> 00:05:14,492 [1.457000]
So again, remember: again remember keeping a critical eye we're looking at data numbers so again remember keeping a critical eye when looking remember keeping a critical eye or looking at data numbers analysis
00:05:10,580 --> 00:05:14,540 [3.676000] 00:05:13,910 --> 00:05:18,870 [0.346000] 00:05:12,520 --> 00:05:17,440 [1.736000] 00:05:10,521 --> 00:05:14,256 [3.735000]
keeping a critical eye when looking at data, numbers, analysis analysis reports he's keen to avoid falling into misleading interpretation at data numbers analysis report each key to avoid pulling into a critical eye when looking at data numbers analysis
00:05:15,100 --> 00:05:16,170 [3.910000] 00:05:17,440 --> 00:05:21,390 [1.570000] 00:05:14,492 --> 00:05:19,679 [4.518000] 00:05:14,256 --> 00:05:19,010 [4.754000]
reports is key misleading interpretations and when you're the one using data reports he's key to avoid falling into misleading interpretations and reports is key to avoid falling into misleading interpretations.
00:05:16,170 --> 00:05:19,630 [3.460000]
to avoid falling into misleading interpretations.
00:05:19,630 --> 00:05:22,950 [3.320000] 00:05:19,630 --> 00:05:24,380 [3.320000] 00:05:21,690 --> 00:05:25,990 [1.260000] 00:05:19,679 --> 00:05:24,010 [3.271000] 00:05:19,690 --> 00:05:23,330 [3.260000]
And when you're the one using data, be wise. and when you're the one using data me why don't fall into the trap be wise don't fall into the Trap of distorting your data when when you're the one using data be wife don't fall into the trap of And when you're the one using data be wise don't fall into
00:05:22,950 --> 00:05:25,790 [2.840000] 00:05:24,380 --> 00:05:27,600 [1.410000] 00:05:24,010 --> 00:05:32,650 [1.780000] 00:05:23,330 --> 00:05:26,429 [2.460000]
Don't fall into the trap of distorting your data of distorting your data when they don't say what you saw this distorting your data when they don't say what you saw — Thank you the trap of distorting your data when they don't
00:05:25,790 --> 00:05:27,400 [1.610000] 00:05:25,990 --> 00:05:27,600 [1.410000] 00:05:26,429 --> 00:05:28,210 [0.971000]
when they don't say what you thought they would. it don't say what you thought they would say what you saw they would.