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00:00:00,030 --> 00:00:03,360 [3.166000] 00:00:00,030 --> 00:00:03,600 [3.166000] 00:00:00,260 --> 00:00:03,360 [2.936000] 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:03,196 [3.196000] 00:00:00,020 --> 00:00:03,993 [3.176000]
Artificial intelligence is said to have huge impacts our own lives and sure intelligence is said to have huge impacts our own lives and even intelligence is said to have huge impact on your life and — Visual intelligence is said to have huge impacts on our lives Special intelligence is said to have huge impacts our own lives
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even society. And some actually say it's the new society %HESITATION and some actually say it's the new electricity since even society and some actually say it's the new electricity and even society's and some actually say it's the new electricity and even society and some actually say it's the new electricity.
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electricity. Since the fifties, the fifties %HESITATION computer sciences have been trying to program since the 50s Computer Sciences have been trying to program since the fifties computer scientists have been trying to Since the 50s of computer scientists have been trying to program
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computer scientists have been trying to program computers to behave computers to behave like humans so let's say for example you wanted computers to behave like humans so let's say for example you wanted program computers to behave like humans so let's say for example computers to behave like humans.
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like humans.
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So let's say for example you want to teach a computer what a teacher computer what a cat is well how hard can that be right I mean to teach your computer what a cat is how hard can that be right you want to teach a computer what it kept its but can that be right So let's say for example, when you want to teach
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cat is. Well. a computer whether catches.
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How hard can that be, right? I mean after all, a cat is just a Well, how hard can that be right.
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collection of shapes and colors. So, computer scientists after all the cat is just a collection of shapes and colors and does so I mean after all a cat is just a collection of shapes and colors i mean after all a cat is just a collection of shapes and colors I mean after all, a cat is just a collection
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computers by insists just thought okay we'll just give rules to and I was so confused I insist just thought okay we'll just and also computers that insists just thought okay will just give of shapes and colors and uh so computers thought
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insists just thought.
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just thought okay we'll just give rules to the computer and it'll be the computer and she'll be able to manage what ends recognize what give rules to the computer and she'll be able to manage web rules of the computer and still be able to manage what s and to Okay, well, just give rules to the computer
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able to manage well, to recognize what a cat is. and he'll be able to manage.
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So, we should just tell the computer, a cat is so used we should just tell to %HESITATION the computer chin to recognize what a cat is so you should we should just recognise what a cat is so used we should just tell it through What can't recognize what a cat is so you should we should just
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in mathematical language of course, that a cat has a round face, two in my stomach mathematical language of course that the cat has a round tell to the computer and Mathematics mathematical language of course the computer in mathematics mathematical language of course tell to um the computer in mathematics mathematical language.
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pointy ears, a chubby body, and a long tail. face two point eight years of chubby body and a long tail but what about that the cat has a round face 2.8 that a cat has a round face two point eight years of chevy body Of course, that the cat has a round face 2.8
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But. what about this cat? this cat and what about if the cat is hidden that doesn't years of chubby body and but what about this cat and what and a long tail about this kept and what about if the cat is years of Chubby body and a long tail.
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And, what about if the cat is hidden? But what about this cat an what about if the cat is
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That doesn't work. Giving rules to computers will only work %HESITATION giving will sue computer will only get you so far about is the cat is hidden that does work giving rules to computer hidden that doesn't work giving rules to computer will only get hidden that doesn't work, giving rules to computer
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get you so far. So another... will only get you so far so another another type of another you so far so another another type of this is another type of will only get you so far.
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another type of... another type of so another %HESITATION another type of %HESITATION but that is another So, in other um another typeof.
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approach was developed and this new type of approach developed type of approach was developed and then you type of approach developed type of approach was developed in the new type of approach approach was developed and you type of approach development is called But this is another type of approach was developed in the new type of
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was called machine learning. where it is called machine learning machine learning gets computers developed is called machine learning machine learning kids machine learning machine learning gets computers the ability to approach developed with is called machine learning machine learning
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Machine learning gives computers the ability to learn, without being the ability to learn without being explicitly programs and so rather computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed learn without being explicitly programmed so rather than hand gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed
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explicitly programmed. And so, rather than hand coding than hand coding specific sets of instructions the machinist trained at so rather than hand coding specific sets of instructions coding specific sets of instructions the machine is trained using large as so rather than hand coding specific sets of instructions.
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specific sets of instructions, the machine is trained, using large using large amounts of data about five years ago %HESITATION a specific the machine is trained using large amounts of data about 5 amounts of data about five years ago a specific type of algorithm The machine is trained using large amounts of data about 5 years ago,
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amounts of data. About five years ago, years ago a specific type of algorithm west of machine learning a specific type of algorithm was machine learning algorithm
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a specific type of algorithm was, of machine learning algorithm was type of algorithm was of machine learning algorithm was developed algorithm was developed called Deep learning you might have was a machine learning algorithm was developed called deep learning was developed called deep learning you may have heard
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developed, called deep learning. You might have heard of deep called deep learning you might have heard of deep learning algorithms heard of deep learning algorithms they were used to beat humans you might have heard of deep learning algorithms that were of deep learning algorithms.
00:01:34,010 --> 00:01:36,990 [2.980000] 00:01:35,350 --> 00:01:40,180 [1.640000] 00:01:36,465 --> 00:01:43,342 [0.525000] 00:01:35,570 --> 00:01:42,090 [1.420000]
learning algorithms, that they were used to that they were used to beat humans playing go or recently used to beat humans plane go or a recently poker and deep learning They were used to beat humans playing go or recently poker.
00:01:36,990 --> 00:01:42,240 [5.250000] 00:01:40,180 --> 00:01:45,910 [2.060000] 00:01:38,090 --> 00:01:44,570 [4.150000]
beat humans playing go, or recently poker. poker %HESITATION NDP learning uses techniques third let's say loosely playing go or a recently poker I'm in deep learning uses techniques
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Deep learning uses techniques that are, let's say that might a Loosely inspired from how our brain works and we're uses techniques there might say loosely inspired from how our brain Men deep learning uses techniques start.
00:01:45,460 --> 00:01:48,850 [3.390000] 00:01:45,910 --> 00:01:52,230 [2.940000] 00:01:47,550 --> 00:01:53,550 [1.300000] 00:01:45,683 --> 00:01:50,122 [3.167000]
loosely inspired from how our brain works. inspired from how our brain works and where had foreseen very extremely works and we had verve seeing very extremely where the extremely Let's say loosely inspired from our brain works and we
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And, we've seen, very extremely, had worth seeing very extremely extremely impressive results had were seeing very extremely extremely impressive results.
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well, extremely impressive results well yeah extremely are impressive results because they have a unique because they have a unique ability to identify patterns from data impressive results because they have a unique ability to identify Because they have a unique ability is to identified patterns
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because they have, a unique ability ability is to identify patterns from data and learn from it so this
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to identify patterns from data and learn from it. and learn from it to this means that these new types of algorithms patterns from debt and learn from it so this means that these new from data and learn from it.
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So this means that these new types of algorithms means that these new types of algorithms can %HESITATION can do types of algorithms can do it let's say three main can solve the main So this means that these new types of algorithms can um can do it.
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can... can do... it let's say three main can solve three main problems so fed with can I take three main consult three main problems to fade with Let's say 3 main consult remain problems.
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let's say three main, can solve three main problems. problems so faced with are these algorithms can generate new stuff
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So, fed with data, these algorithms can generate new stuff. data these algorithms can generate new stuff so for example if you train data these organisms can generate new stuff so for example if so for example if you train a machine a machine learning So fed with data these algorithms can generate new stuff,
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So for example if you train a machine you train a machine a machine learning algorithm with a set so for example, if you train.
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a machine learning algorithm, with a set of artist painting, emotional %HESITATION and machine learning algorithm with a set of of artist painting like Picasso you feed the machine learning algorithm with a set of artists painting like picasso you feet A mashing machine learning algorithm with a set of artist
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like Picasso. You feed of machine learning algorithm artist painting like Picasso feet of machine learning algorithm with algorithm with Picasso paintings he will be able to reproduce a machine learning algorithm with picasso paintings he will be able painting like because so?
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with Picasso paintings, he will be able to reproduce, but style, Picasso paintings he will be able to reproduce but style and I plan Feed machine learning algorithm with because of paintings,
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that style in a plant on a new painting and actually we talked to reproduce that style and a plan on a new painting and actually he will be able to reproduce that style.
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and apply on a new painting, and actually, we talked about on a new painting and actually we talked about Christmas very briefly about Christmas very briefly earlier priests my uses machine we talked about christmas very briefly earlier priest my uses And a plant on a new painting and actually.
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Prisma very briefly earlier, Prisma uses earlier priest my uses machine learning algorithms to do just that machine learning algorithms to do just that so it can generate We talked about Prisma very briefly earlier priest my uses machine
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machine learning algorithms to do just that. learning algorithms to do just that so I can generate you images learning algorithms to do just that it can generate new images.
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So, you can generate new images, you can generate for example new texts, so you can generate new images it can generate for example new texts it can generate for example new text it's used to do translations new images we can generate for example new text it's used to do It can generate for example, new text.
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it's used to do translations. It can also do... its use to do translations %HESITATION it can also do about that that Billy translations it can also do not that their ability to recognize It's used to do translations.
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Its ability to recognize patterns is also very useful, for to recognize pattern is also very useful for predictions to make it can also do about that ability to recognize pattern is also pattern is also very useful for predictions to make predictions It can also do velvet ability to recognize pattern is also very useful
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predictions, to make predictions. I don't know if you've done those types of tests, predictions %HESITATION I don't if done those type of tests you know very useful for predictions to make predictions I don't know i don't if dent those type of test you know cut i q tests or for predictions to make predictions.
00:02:59,130 --> 00:03:03,770 [0.588000] 00:02:59,380 --> 00:03:04,300 [0.338000] 00:02:57,857 --> 00:03:00,340 [1.861000] 00:02:56,452 --> 00:02:59,718 [3.266000]
you know, kind of IQ tests, or well, this type of tests where they kind of IQ tests or well this have if this were there and they give if you've done those type of test you know what kind of IQ I don't know if you've done those type of test you know
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test or this type of thing they give you a set of a set of what kind of like you test or.
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well, they give you a set of of numbers, or shapes and then you a set of %HESITATION of numbers or shapes and then you're supposed numbers or shapes and then you're supposed to find the next one's well this type of this further they gave you a set of of numbers Well, this type of things for their they give you a set of um
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you're supposed to find the next one. to find the next what's the next one so busy were you doing there or shapes and then your supposed to find the next's the next one of numbers or shapes and then you're supposed to find the next ones.
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The next one.
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So basically, what you're doing there is identifying patterns, and then the next one so they see what you're doing there is identifying so basic what you doing there is identifying patterns and then So basically what you're doing.
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predict what's coming next, and computers, and machine learning is identifying patterns and then predict what's coming next and patterns and then predict what's coming next and computers and predict what's coming next and computers and machine learning There is a defying patterns and then predict what's coming next.
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algorithms, are extremely good at doing that. computers and machine learning algorithms are extremely good at machine learning algorithms are extremely good at doing that algorithms are extremely good at doing that so that's very useful And computers in machine learning algorithms are
00:03:20,420 --> 00:03:24,040 [1.399000] 00:03:21,570 --> 00:03:26,280 [0.249000] 00:03:19,607 --> 00:03:21,819 [2.212000]
doing that so %HESITATION that's very useful for example in so that's very useful for example in the business world if you train extremely good at doing that, so um.
00:03:21,970 --> 00:03:24,040 [1.102000] 00:03:21,819 --> 00:03:23,072 [1.253000]
So, that's very useful, for example in That's very useful.
00:03:24,040 --> 00:03:27,390 [1.245000] 00:03:24,040 --> 00:03:27,390 [1.245000] 00:03:23,519 --> 00:03:27,380 [1.766000] 00:03:23,072 --> 00:03:25,285 [2.213000]
the business world. If you train an algorithm like that the business world %HESITATION if you train an algorithm like that for example in the business world if you train an algorithm like For example, in the business world.
00:03:27,390 --> 00:03:31,720 [1.950000] 00:03:27,390 --> 00:03:31,720 [1.950000] 00:03:26,280 --> 00:03:30,570 [3.060000] 00:03:27,380 --> 00:03:31,871 [1.960000] 00:03:25,285 --> 00:03:29,340 [4.055000]
on historical sales data, it can help you forecast the demand on history called sales that up it can help you forecast the demand an algorithm like that on historical sales data it can that on historical sales data it can help you forecast the demand If you train, an algorithm like that on history called sales data.
00:03:31,720 --> 00:03:36,770 [0.980000] 00:03:31,720 --> 00:03:37,460 [0.980000] 00:03:30,570 --> 00:03:35,670 [2.130000] 00:03:31,871 --> 00:03:37,899 [0.829000] 00:03:30,320 --> 00:03:32,700 [2.380000]
of a product. These algorithms also very good at of a product these algorithms also very good and may seek making help you forecast the demand of a product these are great times of a product these algorithms also very good and music making It can help you forecast the demand of a product.
00:03:36,770 --> 00:03:39,810 [1.940000] 00:03:37,460 --> 00:03:40,790 [1.250000] 00:03:35,670 --> 00:03:39,220 [3.040000] 00:03:37,899 --> 00:03:42,743 [0.811000] 00:03:34,820 --> 00:03:38,710 [3.890000]
making associations. So I'm going to share with you an associations so I'm going to share with you an example but I really also very good at music making association's so I'm going associations so i'm going to share with you an example that i really Visa rhythms also very good and Messick making associations
00:03:39,810 --> 00:03:44,780 [0.806000] 00:03:39,220 --> 00:03:43,670 [1.396000] 00:03:38,710 --> 00:03:40,616 [1.906000]
example but I really like. A machine learning algorithm to share with you an example that I really like sewing machine so I'm going to share with you.
00:03:40,790 --> 00:03:45,820 [3.411000] 00:03:43,670 --> 00:03:49,640 [0.531000] 00:03:42,743 --> 00:03:46,872 [1.458000] 00:03:40,616 --> 00:03:44,201 [3.585000]
like %HESITATION so machine learning algorithm was asked to find learning algorithm was asked to find associations between between like so a machine learning algorithm was asked to find associations An example that I really like, um, so uh machine learning
00:03:45,120 --> 00:03:49,140 [2.360000] 00:03:45,820 --> 00:03:50,830 [1.660000] 00:03:46,872 --> 00:03:52,338 [0.608000] 00:03:44,201 --> 00:03:47,480 [3.279000]
was asked to find associations between associations between %HESITATION between sorry between art works between between sorry between artworks from britain from algorithm was asked to find associations between.
00:03:49,140 --> 00:03:51,850 [4.185000] 00:03:50,830 --> 00:03:56,050 [2.495000] 00:03:49,640 --> 00:03:53,640 [3.685000] 00:03:52,338 --> 00:03:57,369 [0.987000] 00:03:48,340 --> 00:03:53,325 [4.985000]
between - sorry - between art works from the... from the dreaded from the Tate's collection of British art and Richard sorry between artworks from the from the Tate's collection the tate's collection of british art and images from two thousand Um between sorry between art works from the bridge from
00:03:51,850 --> 00:03:54,970 [3.120000] 00:03:53,640 --> 00:04:00,130 [1.330000] 00:03:53,325 --> 00:03:58,961 [1.645000]
from the Tate's collection of British art of British art and reuter images from 2016 and here is what the Tates Collection of British art and rotor images from 2016
00:03:55,340 --> 00:03:58,860 [3.520000] 00:03:56,160 --> 00:04:02,600 [2.700000] 00:03:57,369 --> 00:04:06,487 [1.491000]
And Reuters images from 2016. images from two thousand sixteen and here is what the algorithm gave sixteen and here is what algorithm gave us associations i think is
00:03:58,860 --> 00:04:05,790 [6.930000] 00:04:02,600 --> 00:04:09,470 [3.190000] 00:04:00,130 --> 00:04:07,100 [5.660000] 00:03:58,961 --> 00:04:01,670 [6.829000]
and here, is what the algorithm gave us. Associations. us associations I think it's quite interesting with this work upright the acronym gave us associations I think it's quite interesting in here is what the algorithm.
00:04:02,400 --> 00:04:03,880 [1.480000]
Gave us associations.
00:04:05,790 --> 00:04:11,410 [5.620000] 00:04:09,470 --> 00:04:18,880 [1.940000] 00:04:08,290 --> 00:04:14,020 [3.120000] 00:04:06,487 --> 00:04:13,046 [4.923000] 00:04:05,820 --> 00:04:07,250 [5.590000]
I think it's quite interesting. With this work, art work, key %HESITATION type this a photograph from Reuters with this one she S. with this work awkward qiyam type this photograph from borders quite interesting with this what approach type this photograph I think it's quite interesting.
00:04:08,330 --> 00:04:10,590 [2.260000]
With this work out great Kia.
00:04:11,410 --> 00:04:15,990 [2.760000] 00:04:13,046 --> 00:04:27,318 [1.124000] 00:04:11,390 --> 00:04:14,170 [2.780000]
he typed this photograph from Reuters. from reuters he's associated with this win so that's kind of fun Type this photograph from Reuters.
00:04:15,990 --> 00:04:20,700 [4.710000] 00:04:18,880 --> 00:04:28,280 [1.820000] 00:04:15,990 --> 00:04:27,440 [4.710000] 00:04:16,040 --> 00:04:17,040 [4.660000]
With this one, he associated associated it's one so that's kind of fun but translated in with this one chiasso Associated this one so that's kind of fun With this one.
00:04:20,700 --> 00:04:27,580 [0.730000] 00:04:18,380 --> 00:04:21,430 [3.050000]
this one. So that's kind of fun but He associated this one.
00:04:27,580 --> 00:04:30,920 [1.984000] 00:04:28,280 --> 00:04:32,610 [1.284000] 00:04:27,440 --> 00:04:31,540 [2.124000] 00:04:27,318 --> 00:04:32,152 [2.246000] 00:04:26,230 --> 00:04:29,564 [3.334000]
translated in the business world, these the trend in the business world and these algorithms can use me but translated in the trend in the business World these algorithms but translated in the trend in the business world these algorithms So that's kind of fun, but translated in the trend
00:04:30,920 --> 00:04:35,770 [0.189000] 00:04:29,564 --> 00:04:31,109 [1.545000]
algorithms can use, the association ability of these in the business world.
00:04:32,610 --> 00:04:37,340 [2.646000] 00:04:31,540 --> 00:04:37,340 [3.716000] 00:04:32,152 --> 00:04:36,771 [3.104000] 00:04:31,109 --> 00:04:35,256 [4.147000]
vis a vis the association ability of these algorithms can use to can use me the association ability of these algorithms can use to can use mean dvd association ability of these algorithms can These algorithms can use I mean, the the Association ability
00:04:36,470 --> 00:04:38,510 [0.250000] 00:04:35,256 --> 00:04:36,720 [1.464000]
algorithms can use to segment - can be used to of these algorithms.
00:04:39,150 --> 00:04:45,600 [1.413000] 00:04:37,340 --> 00:04:41,240 [3.223000] 00:04:37,340 --> 00:04:41,240 [3.223000] 00:04:36,771 --> 00:04:40,573 [3.792000] 00:04:36,770 --> 00:04:40,563 [3.793000]
segment consumers according to similar behaviors, for example. segment can be used to segment consumers according to similar segment can be used to segment consumers according to similar use to segment can be used to segment consumers according to Can use to segment can be used to segment consumers according
00:04:41,240 --> 00:04:47,950 [1.480000] 00:04:41,240 --> 00:04:48,360 [1.480000] 00:04:40,573 --> 00:04:47,873 [2.147000] 00:04:40,563 --> 00:04:42,720 [2.157000]
behaviors for example advances in the machine learning %HESITATION behaviors for example adventures in the machine learning or not similar behaviors for example advances in a machine learning to similar behaviors for example?
00:04:45,600 --> 00:04:50,230 [4.630000] 00:04:48,010 --> 00:04:51,750 [2.220000] 00:04:48,360 --> 00:04:52,540 [1.870000] 00:04:47,873 --> 00:04:52,298 [2.357000] 00:04:45,660 --> 00:04:50,720 [4.570000]
Advances in machine learning are not only due to the are not only do it thanks to the advances in the algorithms only thanks to the advancements in the algorithms themselves are not only do it thanks to the advances in the algorithms Advances in machine learning on not only do thanks to the advancements
00:04:50,230 --> 00:04:53,910 [3.680000] 00:04:51,750 --> 00:04:55,800 [2.160000] 00:04:52,298 --> 00:04:57,607 [1.612000] 00:04:50,720 --> 00:04:52,950 [3.190000]
advances in the algorithms themselves. themselves %HESITATION these advances are due to two other themselves these advances are due to two other factors that concurred in the algorithms themselves.
00:04:53,910 --> 00:04:57,980 [4.463000] 00:04:55,800 --> 00:05:00,090 [2.573000] 00:04:53,910 --> 00:04:58,110 [4.463000] 00:04:57,607 --> 00:05:01,778 [0.766000] 00:04:53,880 --> 00:04:58,373 [4.493000]
These advances are due to two other factors that concurred factors that come Kurt %HESITATION at the same time that's about these advances are due to two other factors that encourage at at the same time that developed the same time when it's picked These advances are due to 2 other factors that can curd at the same
00:04:57,980 --> 00:05:01,180 [3.200000] 00:05:00,090 --> 00:05:04,750 [1.090000] 00:04:58,110 --> 00:05:02,050 [3.070000] 00:04:58,373 --> 00:05:02,450 [2.807000]
at the same time. That developed at the same time. the same time when it's big data %HESITATION with internet we've the same time that developed the same time when it's picked time that developed the same time, one, it's speak doctor.
00:05:01,180 --> 00:05:05,380 [4.200000] 00:05:04,750 --> 00:05:08,940 [0.630000] 00:05:03,230 --> 00:05:06,660 [2.150000] 00:05:01,778 --> 00:05:06,690 [3.602000] 00:05:03,950 --> 00:05:08,377 [1.430000]
One is "big data". With internet we've been producing been producing lots and lots of data in this data can be used up with internet we've been producing lots and lots of data up so with internet we've been producing lots and lots of data With Internet we've been producing lots and lots of data and this data
00:05:05,380 --> 00:05:09,580 [4.200000] 00:05:09,180 --> 00:05:12,850 [0.400000] 00:05:06,940 --> 00:05:11,690 [2.640000] 00:05:06,970 --> 00:05:12,072 [2.610000] 00:05:08,377 --> 00:05:10,820 [1.203000]
lots and lots of data. And this data can be used to train to train those algorithms to say the truth machine learning and this data can be used to train those algorithms to say and this that can be used to train those algorithms to say the truth can be used to train those algorithms.
00:05:09,580 --> 00:05:12,850 [3.270000] 00:05:11,690 --> 00:05:14,340 [1.160000] 00:05:12,072 --> 00:05:15,496 [0.778000] 00:05:11,530 --> 00:05:14,640 [1.320000]
those algorithms. To say the truth, machine learning the truth machine learning algorithms what are the idea of machine learning algorithms were already idea of machine learning Say, the truth machine learning algorithms or or
00:05:12,850 --> 00:05:15,960 [3.110000] 00:05:12,850 --> 00:05:15,960 [3.110000] 00:05:14,340 --> 00:05:18,380 [1.620000] 00:05:15,496 --> 00:05:19,365 [0.464000] 00:05:14,640 --> 00:05:16,537 [1.320000]
algorithms or the idea of machine learning algorithms, algorithms or the idea of machine learning algorithms %HESITATION machine learning algorithms is he I mean has been developed for algorithms is he i mean has been developed for a couple of years the idea of machine learning.
00:05:15,960 --> 00:05:19,580 [3.620000] 00:05:15,960 --> 00:05:19,760 [3.620000] 00:05:18,380 --> 00:05:21,350 [1.200000] 00:05:19,365 --> 00:05:22,613 [0.215000] 00:05:16,537 --> 00:05:19,951 [3.043000]
has been developed for a couple of years or is he I mean has been developed for a couple of years in in a couple of years if you in the decades but we were liking and in the decades but we were lucky that that to feed them Algorithms is he has been, he developed for a couple of
00:05:19,580 --> 00:05:22,530 [2.950000] 00:05:19,760 --> 00:05:22,530 [2.770000] 00:05:21,350 --> 00:05:25,890 [1.180000] 00:05:19,951 --> 00:05:22,833 [2.579000]
even decades, but we were lacking the data to feed them the decades but we would like to have the data to feed them that that tattoo feed them enough so that was a big thing to do years of even the decades, but we were liking.
00:05:22,940 --> 00:05:25,970 [4.410000] 00:05:22,530 --> 00:05:27,350 [4.820000] 00:05:25,890 --> 00:05:29,410 [1.460000] 00:05:22,613 --> 00:05:27,497 [4.737000] 00:05:22,833 --> 00:05:26,930 [4.517000]
enough. So, that was a big thing to help enough so that was a big thing to to help %HESITATION these to help these ugly things take off and the second thing I needed enough so that was a big thing to do to help these algorithms That data to feed them enough so that was a big thing to to help him.
00:05:26,280 --> 00:05:28,500 [2.220000] 00:05:27,350 --> 00:05:30,880 [1.150000] 00:05:27,497 --> 00:05:32,054 [1.003000] 00:05:27,110 --> 00:05:30,443 [1.390000]
these algorithms takeoff and the algorithms takeoff and the second thing I needed was computer take off and the second thing he needed was computer power which These algorithms take off and the second thing.
00:05:28,500 --> 00:05:32,310 [3.810000] 00:05:31,110 --> 00:05:36,220 [1.200000] 00:05:29,410 --> 00:05:35,670 [2.900000] 00:05:32,054 --> 00:05:37,710 [0.256000] 00:05:30,443 --> 00:05:34,777 [1.867000]
second thing needed was, computer power, which now we a power which now we have so basically today AI takes off was computer a power which now we have so basically today AI now we have so basically today takes off because the stars have aligned He did was computer power which now we have so basically today.
00:05:32,760 --> 00:05:34,270 [1.510000]
have. So basically,
00:05:34,850 --> 00:05:37,210 [3.010000] 00:05:36,220 --> 00:05:37,680 [1.640000] 00:05:35,670 --> 00:05:37,680 [2.190000] 00:05:34,777 --> 00:05:37,860 [3.083000]
today AI takes off because the stars have because the stars have aligned takes off because the stars have aligned AI takes off because the stars have aligned.
00:05:37,680 --> 00:05:38,890 [1.210000]
00:05:38,890 --> 00:05:39,290 [0.400000]